Given two words (start and end), and a dictionary, find all shortest transformation sequence(s) from start to end, such that:
- Only one letter can be changed at a time
- Each intermediate word must exist in the dictionary
For example,
start = "hit"
end = "cog"
dict = ["hot","dot","dog","lot","log"]
- All words have the same length.
- All words contain only lowercase alphabetic characters.
The above description is for Word Ladder II. Word Ladder one only require you to return the length of shortest path, which will be 5 in the above example.
The output part is basic DFS, and the key part is to find a parent map for the single source shortest path problem. Normally, when we have a graph G(V, E) and a single source s, Dijkstra's algorithm will build a parent map P: V -> V, which can be used to find the shortest path to any destination t from s. P(t) is simply the vetex v, such that path s->...->v->t is the shortest path from s to u. In Word Ladder II, since we are interested in not only one shortest path, but all shortest path, this parent map must be mapping from V to a subset of V, i.e. P: V -> V^2, as there might be more than one parent of a given vertex and we want to get all of them.
A simple modification of Dijkstra will work. Usually, when the temporary minimum distance of a vertex u is updated, we let the vertex v that updates it to be its parent. Now, we add the v to the parent set instead. When the minimum distance is decreased, we clear the original parent set and then add v; when the new distance is the same as the minimum distance, we add the v.
An accepted implementation is as follows:
Notice that we used the adjacency list and priority queue for optimal performance. Otherwise it can not pass the large test cases.
Suppose we have n words in the dictionary, each word is at most m characters long, then a naive way to create the adjacency list by comparing each pair of words suffers O(m*n^2) complexity, which is unacceptable for large n like 20000. In my implementation, we instead find neighbors of a word w by trying to change each of its letters to another one, and the complexity is reduces to (m*n*26).
For the PriorityQueue implementation in Java, decreaseKey operation (decrease the priority of a node given its reference, the priority queue shall rearrange to keep heap property), which is used in Dijkstra's algorithm is not supported. Rather than implement my own priority queue with this operation, I simply insert a node with the decreased key instead. In this way, there will be more than one node for the same vertex in the priority queue, one with the newest/smallest key, whereas the rest are with previous large keys. Since we can keep track of the smallest temporary distance of all the vertices, we can simply ignore a node with key larger than that when doing a removeMin operation. A simple analysis show that this will potential result in larger heap, so the complexity is increased from O(E + VlogV) to O(E + VlogE), which is essentially the same since logE is at most 2logV.
BFS can also be used for this problem since edge weights are uniformly one. Similar, one need to maintain a parent map that is one to many instead of one to one. An BFS implementation is as follows. The running time on LeetCode is not better that the Dijkstra one. Both of them takes more than 1000 ms. Maybe Java is too slow?