Auto margin is normally used to center an element horizontally. Basically, set margin to auto will cause margin-left and margin-right to be set by browser so that the element is centered horizontally in its containing block. An exception is that margin-left can not be less than 0 in this automatic setting, thus margin-left will not go negative if the width of the element is larger than the width of the containing block.
Auto margin can also be used to center element vertically. This is much rarer though. This happens when the element is absolutely positioned and when top and bottom are set. If that is the case, then the element will be centered both horizontally and vertically in its positioning parent. The difference is that margin-top can be negative but margin-left can not. In other words, when its positioning parent is narrower than itself in width, then it won't be centered horizontally, just as the discussion in previous paragraph. However, when its positioning parent is shorter than itself in height, it will still be centered vertically, by having a negative margin-top. This is useful when you want to have a image background that is always centered even if the view port size is small, as used in the second CSS trick in this article. Notice that the trick in the article has the flaw that when the window is very narrow in width, the background will no longer be centered due to non-negative margin-left discussed above, while it is still fine for the vertical centering no matter how short the window is.